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More than 114,000 adults in Florida have been told by a doctor that they have a seizure disorder or epilepsy. Numerous organizations and treatment centers exist to help them. There are non-profit and safety-net organizations who can provide support services and medication for those in financial need. Various local medical specialists provide diagnosis and treatment.

The National Association of Epilepsy Centers in Florida specialize in providing comprehensive diagnostic treatment services to individuals with uncontrolled seizures (i.e., intractable, or refractory epilepsy). Patient organizations are involved in epilepsy research, treatment, and support for individuals with epilepsy and their families.

Click on the links below to learn more about these and other resources.

 If you or a loved one needs help, please call (850) 222-1777 in Tallahassee; or, in Panama City call 850-694-0994. You can also reach out to us by email at

If you need other types of help and support, such as food pantries, housing, financial assistance, etc., click here and you can search for assistance close to your location, by entering your zip code.