There are a number of ways you can help us help the people we serve.

Whether it’s a one-time donation, an automatic recurring donation, stock or a gift through your estate plan – you can make a big, life-changing impact. You can even give at work or when you shop online.  If you wish to make a donation by physical mail, please send to Epilepsy Agency of the Big Bend, 1302 East Sixth Avenue, Tallahassee, Florida  32303. To view the online donation form from a mobile device, please scroll down to the bottom of the page. For more information contact us at, or call our Executive Director at (850) 222-1777.

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Monthly recurring donors spread the financial impact of their giving across the entire year, creating a stable funding stream that balances seasonal one-time gifts, ensuring ongoing support for the hundreds of people who reach out to us each year. It’s also a very convenient way for givers to “budget” their philanthropy. For more information, contact EABB’s Executive Director at (850) 222-1777 or at

Shares And Shares


Generous contributors have long enjoyed the opportunity to make charitable gifts of stock to the Epilepsy Agency of the Big Bend, bypassing the payment of capital gains tax and, in the process, also reducing federal income taxes. When you file and itemize your taxes, you will qualify for a charitable deduction for the stock’s value on the date of the transfer of the stock. If you decide to give a gift of stock to our organization, please contact EABB’s Executive Director at (850) 222-1777 or at

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Many businesses have philanthropic programs that help their workforce make donations to charities. More than half of surveyed employees would choose to work for a socially responsible company, even if the salary was less than expected. For example, the Epilepsy Agency of the Big Bend is a registered charity with Benevity, a platform for online workplace giving. Employees can make a one-time or recurring donation through a payroll deduction and also request their employer to match their gift. Ask your employer if your company has something like this in place. If not, you can help EABB and other charities by encouraging them to do so.

estate planning


You may wish to incorporate charitable giving into your estate plan. A donation to the Epilepsy Agency of the Big Bend will help our clients and maximize the final value of the estate for your family, by decreasing estate tax liabilities. Talk to an experienced estate attorney to be certain that your donations are set out correctly in your will. Another way to leverage your estate plan, is to designate EABB as the beneficiary of your retirement account. Charities are exempt from both income and estate taxes, so in choosing this option, you guarantee that we will receive 100% of the account’s value, when it’s liquidated.

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Donation Total: $100.00 One Time